Bucchino Geoffrey

Making containers with systemd

Sometimes, I need to create a laboratory with virtual machines or containers that I can set up easily for testing various technologies. I used to use UML, but this solution doesn’t address my requirements. In this article, we look at how to set up a laboratory, with systemd spawn for making containers. Making our first container To make our first container, we must use systemd, which allows us to manage services.

Feedback for writing python scripts

system python programing

For each System Engineer, they make some scripts for automate their processes, with some language like bash or python and we can develop an API for our customers. When you develop a script, it is important to have some best practices, in application design, your developpment, to have a test and how to deploy your project in production environment. In this article, I’m sharing my experience in development with python.

My blog with HTTPS


After Snowden’s revelation, I decided to secure my blog with HTTPS. To understand the utility of HTTPS, it’s necessary to understand the trouble with a website which doesn’t use this protocol. When your establish a connexion with a website, like my blog, you sending an request, and my blog respond, and every packets - requests and responses, are in plain text. Sometimes, you sending a confidential information (login page, edit your profile, …) and this informations are already in text plain.

DNS Resolver in Raspberry PI

dns linux resolver

You should create a DNS resolver at home as ISP censorship doesn’t allow for any freedom of expression. So I recently decided to install my own DNS resolver in my Raspberry PI. First of all, you have to understand the working principles of DNS. DNS is a fundamental system for the Internet because each piece of equipment on the Internet with an IP address which may be difficult to remember. So, we use a DNS server, which mapping an IP address with a domain name, like bucchino.